Showing Tag: "warrant" (Show all posts)

Free Warrant Search - How Can I Find Free Arrest Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Saturday, June 11, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
How to do a free warrant search online

It's getting to the point where just about every bit of information about everyone seems to be available on the Internet. Not all of this personal information might be a good thing but arrest warrants are an example of the kind of freely available information that I like to see.

If someone has an outstanding warrant then it has to be in everyone's best interest for it to get noticed as quickly as possible. It deters people from offending and helps t...
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Arrest Warrant Checks - Is It Right To Substitute A Jury For Evidence?

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, June 2, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
How do I get convicted for something I haven't done

Recent technology advances in the field of forensic science have brought about a rash of convictions based on detecting suspects involved cases that have been cold for years. Most notable of these advances are in the field of DNA profiling where your DNA can be matched to that found at scenes of crimes that were committed decades ago. This, together with the alarming passion with which police officers now collect peoples DNA for entry into...
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Free Outstanding Warrant Search - 10 Great Tips

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, May 22, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Searching for active arrest warrants

If you are attempting to do a free outstanding warrant search, either on yourself, or someone else then here are a few tips that you might want to bear in mind.

As with most things in life, you might find that you are able to do an absolutely free warrant search by doing all the work yourself. That is if you have the time and patience to do it. You can reduce your workload significantly by using paid services to do the work for you. It's a lot faster a...
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Active Arrest Warrants - How To Search For Warrants For Arrest

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, May 16, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Never ask a cop if there is an arrest warrant out on you

If a police officer knows that there is a warrant of arrest issued on you then he will most likely arrest you on the spot. So the last thing you want to do if you think you have a warrant is to ask a cop to look it up. If you get arrested then you've just missed your chance to do something about the court order before you get arrested.

Have you forgotten to pay a fine? Do you even know that you have a fine? Have you been driving t...
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Free Arrest Warrant Search - Do I Have Any Active Arrest Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, May 2, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Do you think that you might have an arrest warrant?

Are you looking for a free arrest warrant search because you think that there might be an active arrest warrant issued for you? Do you think that you have done something wrong or are you worried that you might have a warrant through no fault of your own?

If you know that you've committed a crime then you know that there is a good chance that a warrant has been issued on you. If this is the case then your best course of action is to get a...
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Criminal Records: Is The Justice System Just?

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, April 29, 2011, In : Criminal records 
The truth is out there if anyone would bother to look for it

I sit here thinking about the injustice that goes on in our society today. I'm sure that you and most other people in the "civilised" world, assume that society investigates crimes to determine the truth. The guilty get punished and the innocent go free.

I thought the same way until very recently when a friend was charged with a serious offence that, in my opinion, he did not commit. Yes there was evidence to consider him a susp...
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How to Check If You Have An Active Arrest Warrant

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, April 22, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Arresting people is what police officers are there for

It may not be politically correct for any police force to say that their prime objective is to make as many arrests as possible but what do you think motivates the cops on the street? I'm sure that they get good reports for making arrests and they know how to check if you have an active arrest warrant. Think about that for a moment and you will see that asking a police officer to do a check for you is not a good idea. There is a much be...
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Active Arrest Warrants: What Is A Warrant For Arrest And Why You Should Care

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, April 17, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Check yourself for active arrest warrants today

Checking for active arrest warrants is one of the most important background checks you will ever do on yourself, or on anyone else for that matter. If you’ve got a warrant for arrest and you choose to ignore it then you could find yourself with a hefty fine or a vacation in jail. So you should care about warrants but what exactly is an arrest warrant?

There are 2 kinds of warrant that can get you arrested

There are two forms of warrant t...
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How Long Does An Arrest Warrant Last?

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, April 14, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
You can't outrun an arrest warrant

Did you think that you had gotten away with that warrant for your arrest because it was issued a long time ago? Perhaps it was even in a different state. If you haven't been arrested already then perhaps the warrant has been forgotten about - Wrong. How long does an arrest warrant last for? - A lot longer than you might imagine.

Arrest warrants are for life

Warrants do not expire and they do not have a time limit. An arrest warrant will remain active u...
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How To Check For Active Arrest Warrants Now

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, April 11, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
For Pete's Sake Don't ask a police officer if you have an arrest warrant on you

If a police officer knows that there is a warrant for arrest issued on you then he will most likely arrest you on the spot. So the last thing you want to do if you think you have an active arrest warrant is to ask a cop to look it up. If you get arrested then you've just missed your chance to do something about the warrant before you get arrested.

Active arrest warrants are not the sort of thing that you want ...
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Arrest Records Are Free Public Records

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, April 8, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Arrest records are public records

You might not know this but arrest records are public and free to access. I say "free" but you might find that you need to pay some kind of administration fee depending on how you obtain the records information. The free part is more to do with the lack of restrictions imposed upon you when obtaining or using the public information. You generally need to spend something whether it is your time or your money. You can do it in a fast and efficient manner very...
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Arrest Warrant Search - Unlimited Free Warrant Checks

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, April 8, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Searching for free arrest warrants has never been so easy

Looking up arrest warrants has become as easy as checking the weather forecast and probably with more reliability too. You can make use of public records services to do arrest warrant searches and background checks on just about anyone you know or have any dealing with.

When it comes to online public records web sites you have a choice of two basic tyoes of site in the way you pay for the service. In my opinion there is one type of...
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Search Free Arrest Warrants - How to Find Your Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Searching for arrest warrants with free public records

There are ways that you can do a limited free check for arrest warrants and you may be able to find what you're looking for without parting with any cash. The free methods of searching for warrants are either risky, limited or involve a lot of work on your part but they do exist and I'll tell you about some of them below. If you are prepared to pay a little money then there are much better ways of searching for information and I'll tell...
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Warrant For Arrest Search | How Do I Search For Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, March 29, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Who wants to do a warrant for arrest search?

The world would most likely be a better place to live in if you took advantage of the inexpensive tools you have available to you for finding arrest warrants, criminal records and other background information about people. If we all knew who the criminals are then there might be less crime and fewer criminals.

If you are dating someone or you are about to offer them a job of some sort then you might want to know about any arrest warrants that t...
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Search for Public Arrest Records - It's Very Important

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, September 3, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Don't take chances - Background check the people around you

It's sad but true that you can never be too careful today. Whether you are looking for a handyman or a nanny for your children, or maybe you've just met your new neighbors, or you are about to go out on a date. Find out as much as you possibly can about the people you come in contact with. Searching through public arrest records can help to put your mind at ease.

Public arrest records are easier to get your hands on than you mig...
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It's Simple to Find Free Public Arrest Records By State

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, August 15, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Don't be afraid to look up someone's free public arrest record

You likely don't spend too much of your time worrying about the arrest records of others. Why would you? most people are hard working, solid and law-abiding citizens. But when someone new comes along, or you are considering hiring someone, or becoming friends or neighbors with a stranger, it's a good idea to try and discover some things about them that they might not want to tell you - for example, have they been arrested?

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How to Conduct an Arrest Warrant Search

Posted by Steve Gee on Saturday, August 14, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Conducting arrest records or warrant searches can be essential

How well do you know the people around your neighborhood, or the driver of your bus, the babysitter, your financial advisor or the handyman who is repairing your boiler? You might not want to think about it but these people could have arrest records. It might be for something minor, but it might be for something that you can't imagine.

It's necessary now more than it has ever been, to perform arrest records searches to find out...
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Finding Arrest Records Public and Free Leads to Peace of Mind

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, August 11, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Search Free Arrest Warrants at

You've met someone new, or you've just discovered that your son or daughter is getting married to someone you don't know well. Maybe you want to hire an after school sitter for your child, or you have a new renter for a property you own. These people all seem great, but you never know for sure what lies beneath the surface. It's time to check out arrest records public and free that are available to all of us.

Knowing if this new person in your lif...
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How To Find An Arrest Warrant - No Joking If You Have A Warrant

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, July 14, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Would you know where to look for arrest warrants

If you have a warrant for arrest you will find that it's far from an amusing situation. You will be even less happy if you didn't do anything wrong and the warrant is some kind of error. Warrants are bad news and at best they can cost you money and worst case land you in jail. So do you want to know how to find out if you have a warrant?

If you want to do something about a warrant before it turns into an even bigger problem for you than it al...
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Search Free Arrest Warrants - How to Find Out if You Have a Warrant

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, May 20, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Can you check for free arrest warrants?

Arrest warrants, even active warrants are public records which means that they are accessible to you or to anyone else in many cases. If you are checking your records and search free arrest warrants on yourself then it should be a simple matter of visiting the courthouse and make an enquiry. This is ok if you know where your arrest warrant was issued but it's a whole different story if you aren't sure where the warrant might be. You might need to make ...
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Arrest Warrants - Criminal Identity Theft Can Get You A Warrant

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
If you lose your identity to a thief then you can get an arrest warrant

Identity theft is something that you have to live through before you can fully understand how much it will devastate your whole life. Your money can disappear, your credit rating can get shattered and in some cases, it can even get you an arrest warrant. Yes there are things that you can do to reduce the risk of it happening to you but if someone is determined enough then in many cases it's very easy for a thief to assu...
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Arrest Warrants - How to Find Criminals Living In Your Area

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, November 1, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
How many criminals are living close to you?

Have you ever wondered if any of the people living by you have criminal records or arrest warrants? How would you know if they did? They all look just like regular folk don't they?

Perhaps you think that there aren't any criminals around you or if there are then they've done their time and you've nothing to fear from them. In any case there can't be that many of them can there? Well something that I was told recently made me think that this migh...
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Search Free Arrest Warrants - How to Find Warrants affordably

Posted by Steve Gee on Saturday, October 31, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Free arrest warrant checks

If you think that you might have an arrest warrant because you forgot to pay a fine or you failed to turn up in court when you should have done or for any other reason that you might know about then you can search free arrest warrants by simply asking at the courthouse where the warrant was issued. You can do this with no cost to yourself. If you don't know where the warrant might have been issued then you can still search for it online for a small fee.

Finding ...
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Active Arrest Warrant - Find Your Warrants Before The Cops Do

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, October 29, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
What were the police doing knocking on Anna Wallis's door in the early hours?

Anna Wallis works in a busy IT department of a large store in the city. She loves her job and she's very good at it. She loves running around all day long solving problems for everyone. She's very dedicated and everyone loves her. Anna has always been a model citizen and has never knowingly broken the law so how did she manage to get an active arrest warrant and why did the cops get her out of bed in the early hou...
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Arrest Warrants: How to get a warrant by driving too fast

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, October 27, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
How do I deal with arrest warrants for speeding offences?

For many years now the police have been using radar speed traps to catch you exceeding the speed limit. If you get caught in a trap then the police send you a citation in the post and if you don't get it for some reason or you just ignore it then eventually you will probably get an arrest warrant issued.

Laser speed traps

More recently they've been using laser speed guns in place of radar. Laser speed detectors are more accurate ...
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Arrest Warrants: Check For Warrants For Arrest And Don't Be Left Alone At Your Wedding

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, October 23, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Get a background check on your new love before it's too late

Angelina works in a busy office all day and spends much of her time chained to her PC so when she found herself single again she turned to the Internet to fill the hole that she now felt in her life. It didn't take long for her to find a new boyfriend but she wishes now that she had checked to see if he had arrest warrants before they got serious together.

It can be safe to find dates on the Internet but you must be careful

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Arrest Warrants - How to Find a Warrant For Arrest Before the Cops Get You

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, October 22, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Check for arrest warrants and get treated favorably by the courts

Do you want to get woken up in the middle of the night and dragged off to jail by the police? I thought not but if there's a warrant out for your arrest then this is exactly what could happen. If you want to sleep easily at night then you should learn how to check yourself out for arrest warrants. Here's how you do it.

It won't matter whether you actually committed the offence or any other crime for that matter, if you have...
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Active Arrest Warrant - Discover Your Warrants Before The Cops Come To Get You

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, October 21, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Why did the police get Antony Wayman out of bed in the middle of the night?

Antony is a shy kind of guy who works in a bank. He isn't a high flyer but he knows his job very well and if he keeps his record clean he will surely progress through the ranks into a well paid position someday.

Antony is well aware of the dangers and problems that can be caused by identity theft so he routinely takes steps to avoid it happening. He shreds everything with his name or address on it. He shields his...
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Is There A Warrant For My Arrest? This is How To Check For Arrest Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Learn what an arrest warrant is and how to find out if you have one - You might just stay out of trouble with the police.

It's easier than you might think to end up with warrants for your arrest. Sometimes you don't know that you've done anything wrong and it's even possible to get an arrest warrant for something you haven't done. If you do have a warrant then sooner or later the cops will come and arrest you. Checking for arrest warrants regularly could buy you enough valuable time to allo...
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Arrest Warrants Are Not At All Funny: How To Find A Warrant For Arrest

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, October 16, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Do you know how to find out if you have an arrest warrant?

You might think that having a warrant for arrest out on you is amusing, especially if you can't remember doing anything wrong to get one. The fact is that an arrest warrant could have a dramatic effect on your life if you choose to ignore it. It could cost you a lot of money in mounting fines. You could end up with a jail sentence and it won't do your reputation a bit of good. This is how you find out if you have a warrant.

The pr...
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Arrest Warrants: Avoiding A Warrant For Arrest Keeps The Cops Away

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, October 15, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Avoid getting arrest warrants if you can and make sure you know when you have one

Not all arrest warrants can be avoided because they are completely out of your control. You can make sure that you find out about them early enough to find a lawyer and deal with it before the police come knocking on your door in the middle of the night to drag you away to jail.

It is possible to avoid some warrants however and you should do everything that you can to make sure that you don't end up with one...
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Arrest Warrants: 3 Ways To Find Out If You Have A Warrant For Arrest

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, October 14, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Discover your arrest warrants and save yourself a lot of trouble and money

When did you last check to see if you've got any outstanding arrest warrants? You've probably never even given it a thought but have you ever considered what might happen if there are any warrants out on you? One day there will be a knock on the door and there will be a cop standing there ready to take you to jail. You'll appear before a court who will know that you had to be tracked down by the police. You could los...
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Warrant For Arrest - How To Check For Arrest Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, October 13, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Did you know that you could have outstanding arrest warrants? Find out about them right now

The police only have to think that you've committed a crime before applying for an arrest warrant from a Judge. Most people think that you have to actually do something wrong before you can get an arrest warrant but that's not true. The police could come and get you at any time whether you're a criminal or not. Find out if you have an active arrest warrant now.

If you've forgotten to appear in cour...
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Active Arrest Warrants - How To Find Warrants For Arrest

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, October 11, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
Never ask a cop if there is an arrest warrant out on you

If a police officer knows that there is a warrant of arrest issued on you then he will most likely arrest you on the spot. So the last thing you want to do if you think you have a warrant is to ask a cop to look it up. If you get arrested then you've just missed your chance to do something about the court order before you get arrested.

Have you forgotten to pay a fine? Do you even know that you have a fine? Have you been driving too...
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