Showing Tag: "finding" (Show all posts)

Finding Birth Parents: Searching For Biological Parents of Adopted Children

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, July 12, 2010, In : Locating People 
I am adopted - Where can I find my real parents

Do you want to find your real parents? Are you curious about where you came from, who your parents are and why they gave you up for adoption? If you've never known your biological parents then it's only human nature that sooner or later you'll start to wonder why it is that they left you. You may not want to meet them, especially when you find out what the're like but I bet that you would like to know something about them even if you do it secr...
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Private Investigator Software: Do Your Own Background Investigation

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, March 14, 2010, In : Background Checks 
Why hire a Private Investigator when you can do your own background checks

It might come as no surprise that finding missing people is one of the most common tasks that people hire private investigators for. It might also surprise you to know that a lot of the information that a PI would use to find someone for you is actually available to you online. You can access it using private investigator software for a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional to do the work for you.

Exactly w...
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