Showing Tag: "criminal" (Show all posts)

Arrest Warrant Checks - Is It Right To Substitute A Jury For Evidence?

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, June 2, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
How do I get convicted for something I haven't done

Recent technology advances in the field of forensic science have brought about a rash of convictions based on detecting suspects involved cases that have been cold for years. Most notable of these advances are in the field of DNA profiling where your DNA can be matched to that found at scenes of crimes that were committed decades ago. This, together with the alarming passion with which police officers now collect peoples DNA for entry into...
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Criminal Records And How Facebook Might Get You A Criminal Record

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, May 22, 2011, In : Criminal records 
Is Facebook a friend or your worst enemy?

Facebook is arguably one of the very best inventions of the last 50 years. Or is it one of the worst abominations to be conceived yet? It all depends on your point of view and if you are one of the unfortunate people who have lost a job, been turned down for a job, been cyber-bullied or even got a criminal record because of something posted on FB then you know what I'm taking about.

It's undeniable that social networking sites have brought pleasu...
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Criminal Records: Is The Justice System Just?

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, April 29, 2011, In : Criminal records 
The truth is out there if anyone would bother to look for it

I sit here thinking about the injustice that goes on in our society today. I'm sure that you and most other people in the "civilised" world, assume that society investigates crimes to determine the truth. The guilty get punished and the innocent go free.

I thought the same way until very recently when a friend was charged with a serious offence that, in my opinion, he did not commit. Yes there was evidence to consider him a susp...
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Arrest Records Are Free Public Records

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, April 8, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Arrest records are public records

You might not know this but arrest records are public and free to access. I say "free" but you might find that you need to pay some kind of administration fee depending on how you obtain the records information. The free part is more to do with the lack of restrictions imposed upon you when obtaining or using the public information. You generally need to spend something whether it is your time or your money. You can do it in a fast and efficient manner very...
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Warrant For Arrest Search | How Do I Search For Warrants

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, March 29, 2011, In : Arrest Warrants 
Who wants to do a warrant for arrest search?

The world would most likely be a better place to live in if you took advantage of the inexpensive tools you have available to you for finding arrest warrants, criminal records and other background information about people. If we all knew who the criminals are then there might be less crime and fewer criminals.

If you are dating someone or you are about to offer them a job of some sort then you might want to know about any arrest warrants that t...
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Arrest Warrants - Criminal Identity Theft Can Get You A Warrant

Posted by Steve Gee on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
If you lose your identity to a thief then you can get an arrest warrant

Identity theft is something that you have to live through before you can fully understand how much it will devastate your whole life. Your money can disappear, your credit rating can get shattered and in some cases, it can even get you an arrest warrant. Yes there are things that you can do to reduce the risk of it happening to you but if someone is determined enough then in many cases it's very easy for a thief to assu...
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What Shows Up On A Criminal Background Check - Sample Background Check

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, November 6, 2009, In : Background Checks 
What do you get in a criminal background check?

We live in amazing times. Only a few years ago you would never have imagined that it would be possible to do a criminal background check on a person without hiring an expensive private investigator. It would have been unimaginable that you would be able to do such checks lounging at home at any time of the day or night. Well you can now. Today you can do it all and more but how do you know what shows up on a criminal background check when you ...
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Criminal Public Records Free And Affordable Background Checks

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, November 2, 2009, In : Criminal records 
Get to know someone better from their background check

It's well known that some of the most terrible and notorious criminals in history somehow managed to conceal their true character as well as their crimes from even their closest family and friends. How someone can do this is hard to believe but it's true. The unfortunate lesson that this teaches is that you can never take people at face value. No matter how nice they seem you should always be careful until you know something about their...
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Arrest Warrants - How to Find Criminals Living In Your Area

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, November 1, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
How many criminals are living close to you?

Have you ever wondered if any of the people living by you have criminal records or arrest warrants? How would you know if they did? They all look just like regular folk don't they?

Perhaps you think that there aren't any criminals around you or if there are then they've done their time and you've nothing to fear from them. In any case there can't be that many of them can there? Well something that I was told recently made me think that this migh...
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Active Arrest Warrant - Find Your Warrants Before The Cops Do

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, October 29, 2009, In : Arrest Warrants 
What were the police doing knocking on Anna Wallis's door in the early hours?

Anna Wallis works in a busy IT department of a large store in the city. She loves her job and she's very good at it. She loves running around all day long solving problems for everyone. She's very dedicated and everyone loves her. Anna has always been a model citizen and has never knowingly broken the law so how did she manage to get an active arrest warrant and why did the cops get her out of bed in the early hou...
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Find Criminal Records - Check That Your Friends Are Not Criminals

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, October 28, 2009, In : Criminal records 
How to check your friends and your workmen for criminal records

Do you trust the people around you? How do you know that your friends or people that you have dealings with are who they appear to be? It seems to be very common to hear about serial killers, kidnappers and thieves who led perfectly ordinary lives. Even their closest friends had no idea that they had a life on the other side of the law. How can you protect yourself from people like that?

Elle and Jack are a typical couple wit...
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