Showing Tag: "birth" (Show all posts)

Finding Birth Parents: Searching For Biological Parents of Adopted Children

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, July 12, 2010, In : Locating People 
I am adopted - Where can I find my real parents

Do you want to find your real parents? Are you curious about where you came from, who your parents are and why they gave you up for adoption? If you've never known your biological parents then it's only human nature that sooner or later you'll start to wonder why it is that they left you. You may not want to meet them, especially when you find out what the're like but I bet that you would like to know something about them even if you do it secr...
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How To Find Someone's Birthday Without Feeling Awkward

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, October 12, 2009, In : Birth Records 
You often can't find someone's birthday by asking them

There's only one thing that people hate more than growing old and that's letting other people know that they're getting older. People often lie about their age so that they can give the impression of being younger than they really are.

Of course if you are very young it's more common for you to try and give the impression that you're older and more mature than you really are. This is another reason why you might lie about your age. Th...
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How to Find People - Date of Birth Search for People

Posted by Steve Gee on Saturday, October 10, 2009, In : Locating People 
Find people and birthdays with ease using the power of the Internet!

Have you lost touch with your high school and college friends like I have? Most of us do it seems and such a shame it is too. I bet that there are plenty of people that you promised faithfully that you would keep in touch with but you haven't. As the years go by you come to regret that you didn't live up to your promise but don't give up yet, there are ways of finding people that might amaze you.

Birthdays are also easil...
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