Showing Tag: "background" (Show all posts)

Criminal Records And How Facebook Might Get You A Criminal Record

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, May 22, 2011, In : Criminal records 
Is Facebook a friend or your worst enemy?

Facebook is arguably one of the very best inventions of the last 50 years. Or is it one of the worst abominations to be conceived yet? It all depends on your point of view and if you are one of the unfortunate people who have lost a job, been turned down for a job, been cyber-bullied or even got a criminal record because of something posted on FB then you know what I'm taking about.

It's undeniable that social networking sites have brought pleasu...
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How Do I Find Out If Someone Is Married?

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, April 18, 2011, In : Marriage Records 
How can you find out if your boyfriend is married?

When you are in love and thinking seriously about making a commitment and even marriage, the thought of delving into your mans skeleton cupboard to find out if he's everything you've hoped for is probably the last thing on your mind. But how do you know whether he's already married or not? He might even have a criminal record and not told you about it. You owe it to yourself to do a little background check on him before it's too late.

If ...
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Search for Public Arrest Records - It's Very Important

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, September 3, 2010, In : Arrest Warrants 
Don't take chances - Background check the people around you

It's sad but true that you can never be too careful today. Whether you are looking for a handyman or a nanny for your children, or maybe you've just met your new neighbors, or you are about to go out on a date. Find out as much as you possibly can about the people you come in contact with. Searching through public arrest records can help to put your mind at ease.

Public arrest records are easier to get your hands on than you mig...
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Private Investigator Software: Do Your Own Background Investigation

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, March 14, 2010, In : Background Checks 
Why hire a Private Investigator when you can do your own background checks

It might come as no surprise that finding missing people is one of the most common tasks that people hire private investigators for. It might also surprise you to know that a lot of the information that a PI would use to find someone for you is actually available to you online. You can access it using private investigator software for a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional to do the work for you.

Exactly w...
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I Need a Boyfriend Background Check

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, March 11, 2010, In : Background Checks 
How to get a background check on your boyfriend

Do you suspect that there may be more to your boyfriend than meets the eye? Have you seen signs that he isn't telling you the whole truth? Are you reluctant to take your relationship to the next level until you know more about him? Whatever your reasons it's always a good idea to do a background check on your partner. Hopefully it will set your mind at rest and you can get on with being happy together. Here's how to get a background check on y...
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Absolutely Free Background Checks - Have Fun Finding Free Information on People

Posted by Steve Gee on Saturday, November 7, 2009, In : Background Checks 
You can have great fun doing unlimited background checks on people

When I first registered with a web site that allowed me to do unlimited absolutely free background checks on anyone I wanted to I was simply trying to find an old friend that I hadn't seen for years. I had no idea that I was going to get hooked on finding information about people.

How did that happen? Well they say information is power but finding out things about people can also be a lot of fun and when you can do a backg...
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What Shows Up On A Criminal Background Check - Sample Background Check

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, November 6, 2009, In : Background Checks 
What do you get in a criminal background check?

We live in amazing times. Only a few years ago you would never have imagined that it would be possible to do a criminal background check on a person without hiring an expensive private investigator. It would have been unimaginable that you would be able to do such checks lounging at home at any time of the day or night. Well you can now. Today you can do it all and more but how do you know what shows up on a criminal background check when you ...
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Absolutely Free Background Checks And As Good As Free Background Checks

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, November 4, 2009, In : Background Checks 
How to do as many background checks on people as you want without paying more

Have you tried to find an absolutely free background checks service but not had any luck? I know exactly how you feel because this is what I tried to do when I went looking for an old friend recently. I found my friend but I didn't find a free service. I used an amazing public records web site that allows you to do as many background checks as you want on as many people as you want without paying for each search. ...
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Criminal Public Records Free And Affordable Background Checks

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, November 2, 2009, In : Criminal records 
Get to know someone better from their background check

It's well known that some of the most terrible and notorious criminals in history somehow managed to conceal their true character as well as their crimes from even their closest family and friends. How someone can do this is hard to believe but it's true. The unfortunate lesson that this teaches is that you can never take people at face value. No matter how nice they seem you should always be careful until you know something about their...
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Find Criminal Records - Check That Your Friends Are Not Criminals

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, October 28, 2009, In : Criminal records 
How to check your friends and your workmen for criminal records

Do you trust the people around you? How do you know that your friends or people that you have dealings with are who they appear to be? It seems to be very common to hear about serial killers, kidnappers and thieves who led perfectly ordinary lives. Even their closest friends had no idea that they had a life on the other side of the law. How can you protect yourself from people like that?

Elle and Jack are a typical couple wit...
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Access Public Records And Do Background Checks on People You Meet on the Internet - 2 Easy Steps

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, October 19, 2009, In : Background Checks 
How to check out a new boyfriend or girlfriend

Isn't the Internet a great place to meet people? It worked for me as it has for millions of happy people all over the world. Finding your next date or even your soulmate has never been easier than it is today but the need to be careful about who you go with hasn't changed at all.

Meeting strangers has always been risky because there has and always will be be a small number of people that are out to scam you or rob you or much worse. Fortunate...
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How Do I Find Out If Someone is Married? 4 Ways To Learn Married Status

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, October 18, 2009, In : Marriage Records 
How to find out if your boyfriend is married or your girlfriend has a husband

New love can burn so brightly that it blinds you to all but what you want to see. Have you stopped to consider that your new boyfriend or girlfriend might have a spouse at home already? I bet you haven't and why should you suspect anything? I mean he's charming, good looking and really turns you on right. Well I guess that you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have even a little doubt about your new lover so ...
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