Use the same databases that the law enforcement agencies use

Finding the right partner nowadays is a difficult enough task at the best of times but how do you know that your new love is being honest with you? Whether you just met or you've known him or her for years they could have skeletons in their cupboard that they don't want to you to know about. Some of these skeletons could be very important to you so it's worth doing a little digging. For instance, make sure that you know how to find out if someone is married.

It's now possible for you to access the same powerful databases that are used by government law enforcement agencies to do background searches on just about anyone including yourself. It's as easy as typing the details that you know into a web page. You can potentially find out whether they have a criminal record, arrest warrants, phone numbers as well as whether they are married and a lot of other useful pieces of information.

Ask them if they are married

The obvious first step is to simply ask them whether they are married or have been in the past. If they are honest they will tell you the truth and the skeletons can be left behind. But how do you know that they are being honest with you? You have to be a detective and a lie detector nowadays.

Pay careful attention to what they say and look for discrepancies. It's very difficult to keep up a complicated lie and mistakes can easily creep into the story. Do the dates in his story make sense? Does he go away on mysterious business trips etc? You only need to find one thing that you absolutely know is a lie to cast a cloak of doubt on everything else they've told you. If this happens then confront them immediately and walk away if you don't get a satisfactory reply.

Do some undercover work

If you have an idea where someone might have been married then you can write to the local offices in that area and ask for marriage records. But what if you don't know where they came from? Even if you do there's no guarantee that that's where they got married so how do you find out if someone is married when you don't have any idea where they might have done it?

Find out if someone is married the easy way

Until very recently the means to search for information such as whether you are married or not was reserved solely for the law enforcement agencies. Through the power of the Internet these same databases are now available to everyone and made easily accessible through very affordable software. Not only can you find out whether they are married but whether they have a criminal record or have been arrested, when and where they were born, whether they have been declared bankrupt and many, many other background checks. A small investment to gain access to all this information can save you from making a big mistake.

How Do I Find Out If Someone Is Married
Do your own investigations using professional online services.

Background Checks and Information
How to find out almost anything about practically anyone.

Signs That He is Married
10 Signs a Man is Married.

How Do I Find Out If Someone Is Married?
If you have just got yourself a new lover you might wan to find out some things about them before you go too far.