Showing category "Locating People" (Show all posts)

Who Lives On My Street? How To Find The Names Of People Who Live On Your Street

Posted by Steve Gee on Sunday, May 22, 2011, In : Locating People 
Isn't it time you found out who your neighbors are?

Have you ever asked yourself "Who lives on my street?" I think that it's a question that most people ask at some point and sadly, few of us actually take the trouble to find out. You should find out something about your neighbors because it's so easy to do now as I will show you.

It's a very common question when you've just moved into a new area and you don't know anyone. If you are lucky then some of them will come and introduce themsel...
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How Do I Find A Cell Phone Number By Name

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, July 12, 2010, In : Locating People 
Cell phones were science fiction a few years ago

We used to stare in awe and amusement at films where people would open up a suitcase to pull out a telephone handset the size of half a house and put it to their ear. Back then no one could have imagined that we would all have a telephone in our pocket in just a few years time. We were only just getting used to the idea that most people had a telephone in their house but now every member of my family has at least one cell phone in use plus the...
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Finding Birth Parents: Searching For Biological Parents of Adopted Children

Posted by Steve Gee on Monday, July 12, 2010, In : Locating People 
I am adopted - Where can I find my real parents

Do you want to find your real parents? Are you curious about where you came from, who your parents are and why they gave you up for adoption? If you've never known your biological parents then it's only human nature that sooner or later you'll start to wonder why it is that they left you. You may not want to meet them, especially when you find out what the're like but I bet that you would like to know something about them even if you do it secr...
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Can I Find A Person By Using Name Only? Finding People Is A Whole Lot Of Fun

Posted by Steve Gee on Friday, November 13, 2009, In : Locating People 
This is an enjoyable and fun way to find people

Did you know the person well but you've drifted apart? Is it an old flame that you would like to meet up with again? Maybe it's a new date and you want to find out more about them. Can I find a person by using name only? Yes I've found that you can do just that in a lot of cases. I will tell you about the system that I use to find people and when you try it out you might find that you get to enjoy it.

Is there a secret system of locating peo...
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Can I Find A Person By Using Name Only? - Can You Find A Person Online?

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, November 12, 2009, In : Locating People 
Believe it or not finding people by name only is now very possible

When I started to look for a friend of mine that I hadn't seen for years I was faced with the question "Can I find a person by using name only?" Because that's all I had - a name. We lost touch many years ago and I didn't know where he was living now and I didn't even have a telephone number for him. I thought the task was hopeless but I went on line anyway and to my surprise I found him very quickly. I want you to find your...
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How To Locate People Today: Find Someone On The Internet

Posted by Steve Gee on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, In : Locating People 
Don't waste any more time - Locate your lost friends while there's still time

Life can get too comfortable can't it. Some would say that you are lazy but really it's just normal. I've done it, you've done it, everyone does it. It takes a conscious effort to stay in touch with people. Even when you promise faithfully not to become strangers it's just all to easy to do just that. If you have any old friends and relatives that you haven't seen for a long time and you are wishing that you had s...
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Federal Prison Inmate Locator: How To Find Someone In Prison for free

Posted by Steve Gee on Thursday, October 22, 2009, In : Locating People 
How can I find out if someone is in jail or in federal prison?

When I went looking for someone recently who I thought was in federal prison I was sure that I would have a near impossible task on my hands but I was wrong. It might have been difficult a few years ago but not anymore. Let me show you how to find someone in prison and get loads of background information about them at the same time.

Step 1: Use the BOP Federal Inmate Lookup and State Corrections Departments lookup

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How to Find People - Date of Birth Search for People

Posted by Steve Gee on Saturday, October 10, 2009, In : Locating People 
Find people and birthdays with ease using the power of the Internet!

Have you lost touch with your high school and college friends like I have? Most of us do it seems and such a shame it is too. I bet that there are plenty of people that you promised faithfully that you would keep in touch with but you haven't. As the years go by you come to regret that you didn't live up to your promise but don't give up yet, there are ways of finding people that might amaze you.

Birthdays are also easil...
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